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“My appointment with my client is coming up soon, so I better start preparing so we can have the most valuable session possible…” and such is my thought process as I reach out to the dining room table, where I am convinced the bundle of papers I need should be. I stare at the table, then move things around a bit, and to my surprise, realise they appear to be missing. I tell myself: “Oh, they’re not there!” – I then walk up to my office, where they must be, but look on my office desk and see they are not, so I tell myself: “Oh, they’re not there either!” – I go down to my study to see if I may have left them in there, scan the room, and tell myself: “No, not in here!” – I then do a quick walk through of all the rooms in my house, looking for a bundle of papers gone missing, with not luck. Everywhere I looked, they were nowhere to be found, so each time, I’d just say: ”Nope, not in here!” So I go back to the dining room table where I’m quite sure I had them last, and go through the binders and books that are spread all over the place, but you have guessed right: “No papers!” Being a hypnotist, I know “exactly” what is happening, so I stop the search, let it go and, unnerved, I go about another task I had to do. I’m not worried because I know I will find them the next time I need them. When I did look for the papers later on, I told myself before starting: “They are there. They just are!” Convinced, I open this one binder, and voilà! They are right there, between my well-organised content, just as predicted.

They had been there all along, even when I looked the first time. What was it you say? How could I be so sure they would be? The thing is that I knew the problem was not that they were not there; the problem was that I couldn’t see them. You see, the subconscious mind is extremely powerful, but it also doesn’t know the difference between what is truth, and what isn’t. I told myself “not there” quite a few times, therefore conditioning my subconscious mind to it. By the time I actually laid eyes on my papers the first time I looked for them, it had already accepted the “fact” that they were not there, and so I hallucinated “not there”, and didn’t see them, even though I was staring right at them. What I experienced was a negative hallucination. You’ve read correctly, a “negative” hallucination. It means not seeing something that we should see, as opposed to a positive hallucination where we see things that are not there. It was papers this time, but I’ve done this in the past for various things, and so have you. For example, when you’re looking for your keys, or glasses, and when you end up finding them, wondering why you didn’t see them the first time you looked. You experienced a negative hallucination, and were actually in a state of hypnosis when you were looking at them, but not seeing them. Yes, we all experience hypnosis to various degrees many times in our life, and we are, to a certain degree, in trance on a daily basis… cool hey? Better start thinking about what you feed your subconscious mind. It might just believe it!

Until next time, LOVE YOURSELF!